Tom is remembered for his many television appearances both as a comedian and as a compere - go to his web site to see the list! (
I love his sense of humour which is guaranteed to tickle one's funny bone. His take on the foibles of modern day life is funnier than many of the young comedians we see on television today. You know, the ones who can barely open their mouths without swearing. So not funny.
When on the ship and between his two evening performances Tom sits outside the theatre and chats to his fans - as well as signing books. I've lost count how many he has written, all based on his humour. I have just read 'Fit to Travel!' which begins with youthful exploits on bicycles, goes to buses, trains, cars, ferries, air travel and, of course, cruises. Something funny for everyone to enjoy. Into golf? Yup, there's a book about that too.
Do visit Tom's web site where you will find out about him, his career, the charities he supports and, if you go cruising, you can even see which ships he will be on. If you do see him on a cruise please do go and have a chat. He is one of my favourite people (so is Pat!).
Thank you, Tom, for hours of enjoyment.
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