Wednesday, 10 June 2015

An exhausting few days in York

Between its Jorvic connections, the Minster and the Roman Walls, there is plenty to see in York.  Add to this York Castle and nearby museums, Fairfax House and the National Railway Museum and you have a fair idea of how tiring just a few days can be.

The staircase up to York Castle
Oh yes, I did ‘walk the walls’ which, once past the Minster, are far less crowded.  In fact, I hardly saw anyone else on them.  What is left of York Castle is high on a mound with a steep flight of steps.  I stood at the bottom and thought ‘no way’.  Then girded my loins and toiled my way up, a few steps at a time. Once inside the roofless tower I meandered then climbed some more.  This time up very ancient twisting stairs thinking about all of the people since Roman times who have climbed them. Awesome.  Out on the top there are some fantastic views across York and the countryside.  Even across to the old Terry's chocolate factory.  They produced my very favourite chocolate.

I did stroll through the Georgian Fairfax House which is near the Museum but I have to confess that I spent more time at the National Railway Museum than at the other ones.  As it is so large, that is understandable.  Situated outside the city walls within a short walk of York Station, it is divided into sections.  The Station Hall has railway carriages on display – some very special ones: Royal ones such as for Edward VII, George V and Queen Victoria.  The Great Hall is where the engines – from the Rocket to a Japanese Bullet train (the only one outside of Japan) are on display.  This Hall is very popular with Harry Potter fans as it is here that the wine red engine for the Hogwarts Express is kept.

A big old puffer train alongside Thomas the Tank Engine.

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