Friday, 2 August 2019

Henry Ford, Square Dance Caller.

Square Dancing isn’t usually the first thing that comes to mind when hearing the name Henry Ford, but it is true that he was an accomplished caller.

When looking around the living room of The Mangoes, Henry Ford’s winter home in Fort Myers, Florida it is easy to picture it with the furniture either pushed back against the walls or put on the porch, the carpet rolled back, music playing on the phonograph and couples creating the Texas Star or doing the do-si-do.  Among the dancers might be neighbours Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Edison and Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Firestone.

The house, which was built in 1911, was purchased by Ford in 1916.  It has a large shady porch with wickerwork furniture and plants – very typical of the 1920s in Florida.  (One of Ford’s favourite sleeping places was on the sleeping porch that adjoins the master bedroom.)
In the living room most of the armchairs and sofas are also wickerwork set about an open fireplace.  It should be emphasised that the furniture isn’t the original.  When the Ford family sold the property the furniture also went.  The house is now owned by the City of Fort Myers and the furnishings are as much like the originals as possible.

The Fords travelled widely and much of their furniture and other items were purchased during those trips.  In the dining room, for example, there are walnut Queen Anne style chairs set about a table with a delicate lace tablecloth laid with Sheffield silver and Wedgewood china in the Columbia pattern.  As well as the Edison phonograph to produce mechanical music, there is also a pretty piano which was Clara Ford’s; she was an accomplished musician.  As Ford played the violin you can picture them entertaining the neighbours and wonder which of them was a singer. 

The garden surrounding the Ford house is filled with plants such as palm trees, over 150 citrus trees, colourful flowers and a kitchen garden.  The garden is alongside the Caloosahatchee River where Ford like to go fishing in his boat which was kept tied up at the dock.

What is incredible is that the Fords only spent a couple of weeks each winter in this beautiful house.
Picnicking in style!